Saturday, October 25, 2014

Session 4 (Reflection on a student learning English and used the ASSURE model)

Reflect on your experiences as a student learning English. When you consider the use of instructional technology and media by your teacher, can you identify what steps in the ASSURE model that were used? If the teacher in fact included all the steps, do you think this improved the effectiveness of the lesson? If the teacher did not include all the steps, which were missed?  Did this omission negatively impact on the effectiveness of the lesson?  

When I was Preparatory School, our teacher was analyzing the learning styles of students and try to apply the way to transport information in proper conditions .So ,this allows that students have been participated the lecture currency and follow the steps which was hold in class. Moreover, she was trying to select some media as a computer software to teach the vocabulary and remind easily them like flash card applications or traditional flash cards and teacher wanted us to participate the flash card game and was waiting to take feedback from student so that she could evaluate the students and see the future plan how to improve their learning process.  
I think that if  the teacher apply all steps in a good way, the effectiveness of the lesson must be perfect as it support students learning process. On the other hand, if teacher miss the one step or choose inappropriate app ,I am sure that it will affect the all steps at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Anıl! You told your teacher very well. I think you are lucky because your teacher used assure model nearly all of them. I hope you always meet teachers like your teacher :)
