Saturday, November 29, 2014

Session 7 and 8 Video-Enhancing learning with video (Reflection Homework)

How well did your teachers use video in your lessons at school.  Do you think that videos could have enhanced your learning in some subjects.  As a teacher, think of a situation where you would get students to create an animation as part of the learning process?  How do you think this might affect the learning process for the students?

Instructors using video in our classroom try to help us to imagine visually and match them with their visuals so that we could understand the content or subject. It would reduce the misunderstanding of subject and improve our learning and teaching process. I would get my students to the outside and nature by interacting them to real things to record their animation. I think that it might be way more effective in their learning process because probably, they won't forget what they record and prepare so it will help them to remember and not forget the subject.


  1. I agree with you, Anıl, about effectiveness of using video in classrooms but I guess you didn't answer the question " How well did your teachers use video in your lessons at school?". You just answered why your teachers use videos in your lessons.

  2. Yes Kaan you are right to say that. :) Our instructors ,especially in this university use visuals like video but it is debatable issue whether it is effective or not because sometimes they cannot know how to use instructional materials during the lecture so this effects the currency of lesson and may cause the consecrations of students. so this may lead to lose the control of classroom.

  3. Hi Anıl, You explain well the purpose of the using video in the lesson. I agree some points which are it is effectiveness. It is easy to understand what students learn in the lesson. Also, using video teaching process prevent to forget what they learn in the lesson.

  4. Hi Anıl, the use of video in the lesson is very effective way for students. Visual always attracts the interest of students and students will be focused on the course involuntarily because they worry the video. In addition, they do not forget their lesson subjects during the lesson.
