Sunday, October 5, 2014

First Week Assignment [How would you describe the current use of technology...]

1) a)How would you describe the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey? 

            I think that the current use of technology in teaching in Turkey is not effective. One of the example,which is a campaign about providing tablets to all high school students in Turkey,have proven that as far as I know and read from newspaper ,tablets couldn't be resulted in changing education method than authorities expected. This campaign didn't allow to collaborate or communicate between students and teachers. The tablets was used in a short period. This may be the result of the inadequate of students or teachers about using technological devices in effective way. 

    b)When you graduate and start teaching, what changes in the technology in education do you predict?
           When I start teaching, I don't think that there will be a big changes as materials we use in classrooms when we compare the today's technological devices. Of course , If there happens a big gap between today and in next three years , our teaching method should be changed
    c)Will the new technology make your job as a teacher easier or more difficult?
         As a candidate of teacher, in my opinion ,technological improvement in education will allow us to help in transferring information to the students .In addition to this,it will improve our point of view in looking at the education process  in different ways. It is certain than transferring the information can be more way easier than it used to be before. Maybe more than two or three years , all concept in classroom can change .However, in this short period ,I don't think so.

 2) Evaluating the CTE 213 Course(Computer Hardware)
       We have used some materials in CTE 213(Computer Hardware) so far such as ,presentation tools, desktop computer,projection to see the visual contents. Moreover, students who took this course use learning management system web site( upload their assignment ,see their absenteeism ,grades or syllabus details and so on.

Some media used CTE 213
  • Desktop Computer
  • Projection
  • Visual Contents(Video)
  • Web Sites( ,
  • Presentations
  • Whiteboard
  • USB(to carry our documents)



  1. You explain very well the current use of technology in teaching in turkey. Tablets couldnt provide sufficient effects on students as much as teachers. they take a short period but may be distractions for students.

  2. Hi Anıl! You observe using technology in teaching in Turkey gorgeously. However, in the second answer, you said that there will not big changes in technology. You think is not the technology is developed currently ? In other words, I think, technology renew itself day by day. I think, you should think about this subject :)

  3. hi Anıl :) I do not agree about in the first answer. This is because, the use of tablet in classroom starts effectively in many school and also Zeynep talk about this subject in her blog. In addition, I think that technology will improve rapidly in next three years .
