Saturday, October 18, 2014

Reflection on the four learning theory perspectives (Chapter 2)

Learning Theories

Reflect on the four learning theory perspectives discussed in Chapter 2.  Give examples of activities you experienced as a student in high school or preparatory school in which the teacher based the lesson (or part of the lesson) on any  two of the four learning theories.  How effective were the activities?  Now that you are a teacher-in-training, what advice would you give to the teacher regarding the use of technology in support of the different perspectives on learning?

The activity I experienced as a student in high school was the two of the learning theories ,cognitivist and constructivist perspective. In my high school , one of teacher was applying the cognitivist perspective by teaching how we control and manage the short and long term memory. By doing this ,we were trying to combine information to develop cognitive strategies or skills for cope with the problems. We were not dependent the teacher. Unlike ,we were using our own strategies  . Furthermore, same teacher were using the constructivist perspective approach . We were making our own experiment on computer and could see what happened at the end of experiment. We were more active than ever before and participate the currency of experiment or class. Teacher have just shown us way to take information and gather them  than transferring the information directly. 

If I were a teacher in training ,I would try to use  cognitivist and constructivist perspective since these two approach is quite important to develop and improve as individually  in students perspective. They will touch ,see ,think, evaluate,observe,manage the experiment or thoughts what they do.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Anıl! You explained learning theories very well. You gave some examples about your high schools' teachers. I have a question. Your teachers applied two different learning therioes, so you have some ideas about these. Which one do you think is better? Cognitivism or constructivism. Thank you for answer! :)

  3. Hi Zeynep ,yes sure ,I am glad to answer your question. I think that I prefer to use the constructivist perspective approach since it allows students make their own experiment by seeing and touching them visually.

  4. Hi anıl, you mentioned cognitivist and constructivist perspective. Your teacher was pretty good about how to control and manage the short and long term memory, i guess.Also,using own strategies is more effective.In addition to develop and improve students' perspective, i agree with your opinion it is quite important.
