Sunday, September 28, 2014

When you start teaching, how different will your digital literacies be from your students?...

When you start teaching, how different will your digital literacies be from your students? Will your school provide the necessary environment for you to fully engage your students and their way of learning?  Will you encourage your students to use their mobile devices or the current technology they have in the classroom?  Write your ideas in a post in your blog.

I think that when I start teaching ,my digital literacy will be more different than my students due to the fact that they won't be able to use and have knowledge about educational web site, they will  be focusing on some temporary or daily web sites. Some of the students can have idea about these useful website. However , most of them don't have. Some of the schools,especially private ones can have opportunity to provide those technologies devices in order to enhance students currency education but most of them can't provide because of political and financial reasons. Probably, I will allow my students use their mobile phones or tablets to participate the class collaboration or communication, not for chatting or talking purposes. Because it will help me to present more information to the class and gaining more times.   

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