Saturday, November 29, 2014

Descriptive Video - SelimeMerveAnılCem

Session 7 and 8 Video-Enhancing learning with video (Reflection Homework)

How well did your teachers use video in your lessons at school.  Do you think that videos could have enhanced your learning in some subjects.  As a teacher, think of a situation where you would get students to create an animation as part of the learning process?  How do you think this might affect the learning process for the students?

Instructors using video in our classroom try to help us to imagine visually and match them with their visuals so that we could understand the content or subject. It would reduce the misunderstanding of subject and improve our learning and teaching process. I would get my students to the outside and nature by interacting them to real things to record their animation. I think that it might be way more effective in their learning process because probably, they won't forget what they record and prepare so it will help them to remember and not forget the subject.

Session 6-Audio(Reflection Homework)

In my opinion, by listening to audio visuals ,we could have chance to understand and analyze the text or content of it easily since it gives currency to keep up with general idea of text while fallowing the content and the next step of the topic or subject.

Audio journal is different than written journal because it reflects reality as alive while listening to it and it provides effective understanding the content.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Screen Cast(How to add widgets to your blogger)

How do the two compare in terms of instructional media?  Which do you think students would find easier to follow?  As a teacher, do you think it would be useful to get students to create their own screen casts.  Why/why not?

I think that the video tutorial is more way effective than traditional paper based teaching and learning method since it provides  learners to see theoretical and practical view at the same time.  This helps them to learn and imagine the information easily. While preparing  students their own screen casts ,they may learn how to do that tutorial  and review subject.


Monday, November 10, 2014

Quiz Midterm Hot Potatos

Manual Input Devices

Manual Input Devices




Presentation Embed Code


More presentations from Anıl Kuptan

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Online Tests(Reaction)

In your blog post, describe your reaction to the tests.  Do you think that online tests like this are useful? Would you encourage students to use online tests for other purposes, such as personality tests, technology skills tests, etc. Why/why not?

 I think that online tests are useful to improve our-self since they are really practical to do it easily. The more you do practice ,especially in learning any language, the more you improve yourself. So ,these online websites provide their end users quite easy way to reach them. People should use them properly and regularly in order to improve their self. If I was a teacher,I would push my students to use this tools but as an short practice. I m sure that at the end of tests,they will have learned many things. Moreover,they can connect them whenever or wherever they want by using cellphone or tablet and so on.